Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bahama Mama

This wedding is A.Mazing.  Not only do I LOVE the colors and pretty much everything about it but it looks like they had  This people, THIS is what a wedding is supposed to be.  They are so in love- and you can tell.  And their friends and famly are there in full support of their union...and to dance.  I just love it.  I can't even really explain why, but this photographer captured everything.  It tells a fantastic story.

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Image #111718
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Take a Seat!

Here's another awesome way to find your table.  Especially if you're going to have over 100 guests.  100+ placecards can be a handful and take up a lot of space that you may or may not have.  This giant picture frame does the trick and it looks sleek and fun too!

Image #110214

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Say Cheese!

LOVE this backdrop used as the background of the ceremony.  It would also be a super fun photobooth backdrop.  Hours of DIY but oh so pretty!

Image #109676
Image #109678
Image #109570

Can the Kids Come?

Decide early and stick to your guns - it's your party and you can have kids if you want to (or not!).
Check out these tips on the "should we or shouldn't we invite the kiddos"?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eat This!

In addition to a simply gorgeous wedding, I LOVE love love these roaming appetizers.  They are so bright and fresh and beautiful.  It doesn't even matter what the food tastes like because they look so good, they can't be bad!  This is totally somthing you could DIY, building the crates and then picking fresh, seasonal goodness to brighten your appetizers!  Yay!

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Image #103526

Monday, November 8, 2010

Strike A Pose

There's a really great article in The Knot today about Top 50 Must Have Wedding Photos.  Probably something great to take a look through so you and your photographer are on the same page and you get each and every photo you want - no regrets.  Just let your photographer know....I think they often prefer that you have an idea so you get everything you want.  You are paying for it, afterall!  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Escort Card Ideas

Keeping in line with the Martha, Martha, Martha, here's a link to some creative escort card ideas.  There are like 50 different ideas at this link....of course, anything goes - your opporunities are endless!  I'm partial to hearts myself - this is my favorite from Martha.  But did you see the lollipop escorts in the Pretty in Pink post?  Get your creative cap on - this could be as fun as you want it to be!

Table Number Ideas

Here's some more Martha with a slew of Table Number Ideas.  At a wedding we went to this past summer, I loved the idea of having a picture one side the bride, one side the groom at the age of the table number.  So, at table one, it was a picture of each of them at the age of one, table two, they were two and so on.  I've seem pictures of the couple but not in this fashion - really great way to incorprate slide show pictures into real life.

Anyway, Martha has some great ideas too - as always!  Check them out!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Save the Date Ideas

Martha - that gal is so crafty!  Here are 15 creative, fun, Save the Date Ideas.  Check them out.

This one is my fave!  So cute!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Burlap Candles

These candles would brighten up any church or reception table.  And super cheap and easy to make! 

One canning jar + a smidgen of burlap + a wire handle + a tea light = dreamy!

Image #104807

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pretty in Pink

There are a TON of super fun elements in this Nashville wedding.  What I love the most, besides the color(!) are the lollipop escort cards.  A.dorable.